Wednesday, September 2, 2009


So as some of you guys know because I called you today, Rogelio got his first interview!!!!!! Yay!!! I am so Happy!! So the case was supposed to be at the National Visa Center for like 3 months and then they are supposed to send it to the us embassy/ councelet of Ecuador and then have it there for like a month and then call us and tell us there is a interview. Well they did it all super fast!!! We have the interview well the 1st one around the end of October!!!

I know October sounds like so far away but at least its made!!! there is a set date for it I am happy! Now all I have to do is get a million and two things ready for the interview so I can give it to our lawyer and then send it down to Ecuador asap! It is a lot of work but totally worth it to be able to have My love of my life come home!!!! I can't wait!!! I am soooo happy right now! I just hope that the wavier goes fast or that they take the wavier at the interview! the first one at least! That would be a dream come true because then things would go even faster!!

Please God have Rogelio come home before Christmas! That would be a great Birthday/ Christmas Gift ever!!! That's all I want. I hope its really soon! I hope everything goes good with the first interview and then the wavier and then the 2nd interview!! My lawyer says that the wavier is the harder part. I just pray everything will go fine with that! OK well better get back to work and gathering things for the interview just had to tell you guys how happy I was to find that out.:) I will write again soon:)

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