Sunday, October 18, 2009

update on things......

So here I am waiting for Monday to come. I feel like things are getting to the point of Rogelio finally being able to come home. Rogelio and I feel like we can start planning things. We are sort of waiting Intel he has his interview at the end of October, then we will know when his next interview will be and when He gets approved for his 2nd interview he will be able to come home within a week. There is a slim chance that he might not get approved but we are not considering that at all, there is no reason that he would not get approved.

So there for I can't wait Intel the first interview is done with because I will know more of what is going to happen next. At least we have the package off and its on the way to Ecuador. I will feel safe when it is in Rogelio's hands.

My parents can't wait Intel we are able to move out, also Intel Rogelio, myself and the children are together again. It has been very hard to deal with everything without Rogelio here. I know that when he comes home I will feel like a million pounds have been lifted off of me. I can't wait!! Please pray that he will be able to return for Christmas or better yet my birthday! That would be the best birthday gift ever!!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. It would be a great birthday gift! Plus, we could go visit the new Ecuadorian restaurant that opened called Chimborazo.
